Is PerchMe bird feeder squirrel-proof?

Does the PerchMe bird feeder actually keep squirrels out? Is this feeder specifically designed to stop squirrels from stealing bird food, or are they still able to get it?

I'm looking for a bird feeder for my baby Atlantic Canary. It's my first time to keep a bird, actually. So, if you are like me or more expert, feel free to give me feedback.

Bird Feeder

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Yep, this smart feeder is incredible. It features two-way audio to scare squirrels so they can't steal bird food. The feeder also detects birds with its crystal-clear 1080P HD. It's awesome. IMO, this one is highly recommended.

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I've used this bird feeder for almost 2 months now, and it does the great job. Yes, it is squirrel-proof. I've found no squirrels getting close to the seeds so far, hopefully not.

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